The Cosmic Wedding
A New Interpretation of South Scandinavian Rock Carvings, Stonehenge, and other Manifestations of Bronze Age ReligionThe basic assumption in the book is that the Bronze Age population of Northern Europe tried to influence their surroundings by means of sympathetic magic and that the main purpose of the cult was to ensure the order – cosmos.
Cosmos was the divine order, which never changed, or changed according to the eternal order on every level.
Bronze Age Religion is expressed in a lot of different contexts. The book deals with two main categories: The stone circles with Stonehenge as the pre-eminent example and with the rock carvings of southern Scandinavia as its counterpart when it comes to symbolism.
»It is the first time I have seen a plausible description of the purpose of the impressive stone circles i.e. clear of any exaggerated spirituality in new-age terms.
Ever since I saw the great rock carving sites in Tanum, Bohuslän (Sweden) in 1994, I have had photos hanging on my notice board showing the couple, the duel, the sun etc. and read possible interpretations here and there, but never one with such a great coherence and enthusiasm as here - the book has my unreserved recommendation«. Hanne Vestergaard Andersen in the Danish Periodical 'Religion'
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Antal sider: 165
ISBN: 9788778872616
Udgave, år: 1, 2005
Oplag, år: 1, 2005
Udgivelse: 01-10-2005
Indbinding: Indbundet 14102