Sustainable Transition of Housing and Construction (e-bog, epub)
New research in transition and development for sustainable construction in Denmark. The book is a contribution to the study of social and technological architecture and innovation in construction, as well as to international theories and studies in the field of Sustainable Transition.
Many local governments within the EU, including various Danish municipalities, are taking the lead in a strategic governance of the work of housing and energy companies, contractors, developers and citizens, in order to readjust the housing of the future in a more sustainable direction.
The book addresses the need of concrete backing from the state, which must support the development by providing funding and room to maneuver and to draw up strategic plans with higher environmental requirements for renovation and construction projects.
The book offers a theoretical, historical and empirical study of the Danish construction and housing sector’s move towards resource saving, resilient building, climate adaptation, and an improved energy consumption focused on reducing CO2 levels.
The authors contributing to this book bring together the large amount of experience and various practices connected with the subject. Their approach is interdisciplinary, covering research in construction-trade development, sustainable architecture, environmental and technological regulation and innovation, and social practice. It is both theoretically orientated and related to the practical efforts of the municipalities and the building sector.
The authors envision the kind of life the homes of the future will come to encompass. They are concerned with stricter rules for energy consumption, environmentally friendly materials and recycling rainwater, but also with the socio-cultural phenomena of the everyday, asking: What is a good life for the individual and the community in the home of the future?
The book contains contributions from Morten Elle, Bo Elling, Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Birgitte Hoffman, Jesper Holm, Jens Stissing Jensen, Jesper Ole Jensen, Ole Michael Jensen, Michael Lauring, Bella Marckmann, Ann-Louise Møhring, Maj-Britt Quitzau, Tina Gliese Schjerling, Inger Stauning, Bent Søndergård and Runa Cecilie Lund Sørensen. Søren Dyck-Madsen has been a consultant for the project.
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Antal sider: 352
ISBN: 9788771184419
Udgave, år: 1. e-bogsudgave, 2015
Oplag, år: 1, 2015
Udgivelse: 16-02-2015
Indbinding: Ikke opgivet 13764